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ESJU Membership Fee Payment Process

Membership of the European Shuai Jiao Union (ESJU) is based on the payment of an annual membership fee. All National and Regional Shuai Jiao Unions are required to pay/renew their membership, with the payment of the current membership fee: €250 Euro (EUR).

Membership Fees become due on 01 January, each year; with payment required by 31 January, each year.

You can pay your ESJU annual membership fee by an international bank account transfer (details below).

A payment receipt will be provided to you electonically on confirmation of payment.

An invoice may also be provided, on request (if required).

Payment by International Bank Transfer

To comply with ESJU standards for the international transfer of funds, all transfers must be made from bank to bank.

Transfer funds directly to the ESJU bank account using the information below:

Account Name: European Shuai Jiao Union (ESJU)

International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB98NWBK60132847412887


Reference: please use your country's three letter Reference Code, as the reference for your payment, for example, Armenia will use: ARM

ESJU Ordinary Member Reference Code:

ESJU Associate Member Reference Code:

Please contact the Secretary, if you cannot find your country code.

European Shuai Jiao Union
151 Strathmore Avenue
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1582 876700
Secretary General
Mr Robert Simpson